Here are some of the things you need to consider in terms of designing when building an ecommerce website

29 Jan 2018 / Website Design & Development
Author: Moin Mohammed, Infoquest DMCC

Things Need To Consider In Terms Of Designing For ECommerce - There are a gazillion things to consider when developing an eCommerce website, it could be a simple website where users buy your products without any other frills, but it has to be intuitive and easy for your users to navigate through. If the experience is bad, users will not fancy coming to your website anymore and you will lose out on a lot of sales which will hit you the hardest. For eCommerce web Development Dubai, check the credentials of companies that have engaged with a lot of clients and possess a kick-ass design team which can be the difference between an eCommerce website raking in sales and one finding it difficult to make their customers stay.

Design factors you need to consider while building an eCommerce website

Your design should match your products:

If you are selling food on your eCommerce website but you have blue color predominantly used on it, this would be a put-off aesthetically. Yellow and Red are the main colors that are used for almost all websites that sell food. Take the example of Burger King, Mcdonald's, and KFC. Keep your design in sync with what you are selling, it should not look out of sorts or confusing for your users. The colors that you use, the images of the products, the design of the website, all of this should be in concurrence with what you sell. When you have a project on Ecommerce Website Development Dubai, you can get on a call with the experts at Infoquest.

ecommerce solution in Dubai

Navigation and Structure:

If a user on your website wants to search for a particular product, you shouldn’t make it difficult for them to access it. In fact, it should take a maximum of 3-4 steps (as in click of the button) for them to access the product on your website. Also, if there is something like ‘Testimonials’ which is a pretty common jargon that is used, you shouldn’t try to get creative and use words like ‘People’s opinion’ or twist it to anything else. It will only confuse your visitors instead. Things that are the most accessed or something you want your customers to access immediately can be put on the Header or the Footer.

Compatible with all devices:

The number of online shoppers on mobile phone has considerably increased and this is why it becomes primarily important to develop a website whose design is compatible with all devices and screens of all sizes. Responsive design is something that almost all websites have these days where the website automatically resizes based on the size of the screen in which it is viewed. In fact, Google considers the responsiveness of a website for mobile phones as a factor for its ranking. For eCommerce website development, search for companies that have worked with many eCommerce website clients. Check out the sites they have made and then arrive at a decision.

Implement a design that loads the pages fast:

Research says that 40% of shoppers will leave an eCommerce website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. If you give your users a slow website, they will abandon it, increasing your bounce rate which will make your conversion rate drop as well. This is bad for business. Design the website in such a way that it takes very less time to load all the pages. Use Compression tools, CDN (Content Delivery Networks) and keep experimenting to make sure that the pages load fast.

ecommerce development

The points that we have given you are not the only ones that will help with loading your eCommerce website faster, you can work on other ways to make your website appealing too. For the best website developer Dubai, talk to the experts at Infoquest so that we can understand your design concerns better and help build a kick-ass eCommerce website.

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